SPGLegal provides assistance and expert advice concerning insolvency and pre-insolvency proceedings regarding bankruptcy litigation as well as financial restructuring.

With regards to insolvency proceedings SPGLegal provides expert advice and assistance to the authorities by collaborating with the insolvency proceedings authorities when making decisions concerning pending juridical relationships, carrying out claims for damages, recovery and liability procedures as well as negotiations and the drafting of all necessary agreements concerning a company’s financial year and/or the assignment of company assets.

SPGLegal also assists those companies intending to purchase assets sold as part of bankruptcy proceedings by preparing due diligence reports as well as all negotiations and purchase agreements and/or the leasing of the business.

During tense financial situations, SPGLegal provides assistance and expert advice to companies in identifying the most appropriate juridical instrument in order to address and deal with a company’s crisis (including the drafting of recovery plans ex Article 67 of the Italian bankruptcy Law, restructuring agreements and arrangement with creditors’ applications).

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